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Those who value credibility cannot vote for Obama

Sandy deBeers questions my credibility.

I assume Sandy will not be voting for Barack Obama. That would be absurd.

On one of Obama’s false statements . . . “The private sector is doing fine,” Russ Limbaugh says, “To Barack . . . the private sector is always fine. It’s always there to be looted, and he has not failed in his pillaging.”

His brother, David Limbaugh, says, “Remember when Obama claimed that his 10-year budget didn’t add a dime to the national debt? And he said it with a straight face!”

David Limbaugh also says, “Obama has deliberately divided us, because his electability depends entirely on pitting people against each other, while holding himself out as a uniter, a post partisan, a post-racial president.”

On Obamacare, “The president’s now famously false statement that Americans can keep their health insurance and their doctor, and you’re not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor,” says Ray Hartwell. “The law itself belies these promises.”

Obama said George Bush was “irresponsible and unpatriotic” for adding $4 trillion to the national debt. He has added $5 trillion to the debt in half the time.

The Obama Administration is held in contempt of court for illegal regulatory orders blocking oil production. Meanwhile, he claims he’s increasing oil production.

Donald Lambro says, “President Obama is hoping he can fool enough people into another four-year term even though he has failed to fulfill his promises to put the country back to work, boost middle-class income (10 percent lower than 2009) and cut the deficit in half in his first term.”

Glen Kessler, Washington Post fact checker, says about an Obama ad, “On every level, this ad is misleading, unfair and untrue, from the use of corporate raider to examples of alleged outsourcing, its awarded four Pinocchios.”

Jeff Kuhner, of the Edmond Burke Institute, says, “At best, Mr. Obama is a shameless liar.”

If Sandy deBeers values credibility, she can’t plan to vote for Barack Obama. What could be more absurb?

Sandy says Ted Nugent “threatened the president with violence.” She says Nugent made the threats in front of an audience and was investigated by Secret Service, but he’s still a free man.


Unless, of course, the Secret Service determined there was no threat.

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