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The real costs of Obamacare

First, Kevin Kuehl says the Janesville truck factory closed before President Obama took office.

Now, he admits the Janesville plant continued to produce trucks for “another four months” but says I should stop using “misleading statements or outright lies.”

This is instructive.

After President Obama lost his debate to Gov. Romney, he sat down with his campaign staff and decided to blame it on Romney being a liar.

You probably saw Team Obama hit all the networks the next day with this message, just as you saw U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice appear on five Sunday news shows with the idiotic story that the deaths of our staff members was the result of a spontaneous riot.

The Obama team knew within 24 hours the Benghazi murders were a pre-planned terror attack.

Yet, they chose to put out this lie, because they had failed to protect the victims in spite of plenty of warnings. Benghazi Gate.

The biggest Obama lie is Obamacare.

Obama said it would save money and cost less than $1 trillion.

The Congressional Budget Office says it will actually cost at least $2 trillion, and insurance rates are up $2,500 per family.

It also imposes over $1 trillion worth of new taxes and fines.

Obama said it would allow us to keep our own doctors and insurance plans, but now we find we will not be able to continue any catastrophic plan or any without birth control and sterilization included – we also learn 20 million Americans will lose the plan they get from employers due to higher costs under Obamacare.

Obamacare takes $716 billion from Medicare, which will cause doctors and hospitals to refuse to accept Medicare due to reduced fees.

By the end of the decade, Medicare will play less than medical assistance. Medicare Advantage defunded.

The Independent Payment Advisory Board panel will cut Medicare payments even further.

The decisions of these 15 unelected bureaucrats will not be reversible without a super-majority of Congress.

The above features of Obamacare are from the Congressional Budget Office and the Medicare chief actuary.

Obamacare will cause thousands of new IRS agents to be hired. This has already started.

The IRS estimates Americans will need to spend 79 million man-hours per year to comply with the new regulations.

Half of this will fall on the shoulders of small business owners.

Let’s not forget, Tammy Baldwin and Barack Obama are both on tape saying they supported the complete government takeover of health care, and that’s the truth.

Obamacare was and is a hoax.

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