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Left engages in war on Christianity

Aug. 1, 2012 was the day Christian organizations were required to violate their conscience by providing the morning-after pill and sterilization to their employees, free of charge, under Obamacare.

A business owner exercises his First Amendment rights and states he thinks marriage should be between one man and woman.

This earns him an attack from the left, the mayor of Chicago and others announce Chick-fil-A is not welcome.

Other leftists organize boycotts and demonstrations against the business.

One misguided leftist in Madison does her best to intimidate Christians and exclude God from the public square, calling herself the “Freedom from Religion” organization.

Government schools teach kids the Constitution has a “wall of separation between church and state.”

That is a myth. It is not in the Constitution.

The Obama Administration calls the murder of 13 soldiers at Fort Hood “workplace violence,” thus denies the dead and wounded the Purple Hearts they deserve.

No matter Major Hasan carried cards saying he was a “soldier of Allah” and shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he committed his acts of terror.

Why should we expect any honesty from this administration?

The left is engaged in a war on Christianity, and it’s time everyone realizes the fact.

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