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Owning guns is a constitutional right

More than 2,700 people died when terrorists using box cutters took over passenger planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center.

Fertilizer was used to kill 168 people in the Oklahoma City bombing.

In Boston, terrorists used pressure cookers to make bombs that killed four people and injured 129.

Think of all the lives that might have been saved if we only had background checks for persons buying box cutters, fertilizer and pressure cookers.

We should also not forget hammers, baseball bats, and kitchen knives, as these are also used to kill people.

Almost anything can be used to kill people by those who do not value human life or respect the rights of others.

There are already enough laws regulating guns.

There is also a waiting period on handguns and fully automatic assault rifles are already banned to the public.

Our government wants to ban guns that have been in use by the public for years.

What gun owners and the NRA oppose are more laws that lead to gun registration and confiscation from law-abiding citizens.

Gun ownership is not a privilege, but a right for law-abiding citizens under the Second Amendment, which clearly says, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Even if all guns were registered with the federal government, it still would not prevent someone from stealing a gun and committing a crime.

In the case of the Sandy Hook shootings, the shooter killed his own mother and took her gun.

To imply that the NRA and gun owners do not care about the safety of school children is absurd.

The NRA came up with a common sense proposal of putting armed guards in the schools but that proposal was rejected by the government.

After the 9/11 attacks, armed security was immediately put in our airports and it worked.

What will really help protect our schools is to meet the shooter head on with an armed guard at the door.

Our government’s push for more gun control is really not about protecting children, it is about destroying the Second Amendment and controlling the people.

Our president took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and has done just the opposite.

Our Congress took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Too many of our elected officials have broken this oath and should be held accountable.

The NRA supports those elected officials who defend our Second Amendment rights.

Those officials who have not defended those rights should be reminded of their obligations.

This liberal thinking that more gun control laws are going to stop school and theater shootings is ridiculous.

It is like a farmer thinking he can keep the fox out of the chicken coop by shooting the cow and the pig.

If you value your freedoms, you need to defend our Second Amendment.

If the Second Amendment goes, there will be nothing standing in the way of the government from taking away the rest of your constitutional rights.

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