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President violates oath of office daily

The second article of impeachment against Richard Nixon was his use of the Internal Revenue Service against his political enemies.

Weaponization of the IRS against conservative groups under the Obama administration is now a proven fact.

We know Holly Paz ordered Tea Party applications sent to Washington. She told the Cincinatti IRS office to “send a few more cases to Washington and hold the rest.”

Steve Grodnitzky instructed IRS staff to create a “sensitive” case report for Tea Party cases.

He instructed senior IRS officials in California and Cincinatti that his office in Washington was working Tea Party cases and they should coordinate with his office.

Now the key emails from Lois Lerner and six IRS officials have been “accidently lost.”

Laws are being broken and a cover up is on. This makes Nixon look like a choir boy.

Obama changed immigration laws illegally to declare young “undocumented workers” safe from deportation.

This has resulted in a flood of young illegals coming across our border, overwhelming border patrol.

Obama enforces laws he likes, ignores or issues executive orders regarding laws he does not like and is, in a word, an outlaw.

He violates his oath of office very day.

Greg Oerter

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