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Clintons abuse any office they hold

When Barack Obama took Hillary Clinton for his secretary of state, he negotiated an agreement with her that would limit donations for foreign governments to the Clintons and that called for all donations to be disclosed.

She told Congress that would be honored.

The Clintons have violated that agreement over and over.

They continued to take money from other governments.

They failed to disclose over 1,100 donations.

They took $130 million from people setting up a deal which has given Vladimir Putin control over 20 percent of the United States uranium production.

This deal required approval of several departments, including secretary of state.

It was approved. The Clintons sold us out.

Mrs. Clinton now wants to be president so she can “be the champion” of us regular Americans.

The truth is, she has already sold us out, time and time again.

Barack Obama says he will make a deal with Iran that will be good for America.

He can’t even make a deal with his own secretary of state that’s good for America.

And he can’t enforce deals he makes.

The Clinton Foundation is amending tax returns for five years in light of all the secret donations and lies that have been brought to light.

They should be worried about jail.

They are certainly not fit to hold public office.

They repeatedly abuse any office they hold.

Greg Oerter

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