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Tips for being a leader

Leadership was the focus of a countywide event held Thursday, May 7, at the Manawa Masonic Center.

The Leadership Night included a dinner, time for networking, and information on Leadership Waupaca County.

The guest speaker was Cathy Sandeen, Ph.D., chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Colleges and UW-Extension.

She was introduced as having “a wealth of leadership experience,” by Jessica Beckendorf, Waupaca County UW-Extension community development educator.

Sandeen said she had never thought of herself as a leader.

“I was just living my life and trying to make a difference,” she said. “That just goes to show that anybody can be a leader.”

As she advanced in her career, Sandeen participated in many leadership programs.

“We need good leaders now more than ever,” she said.

Sandeen pointed out five aspects of a good leader: Reframing, saying yes to opportunities, team work, trend scanning and “The Big Three,” which includes job skills, people skills and professional development.

“It’s important for a leader to have an optimistic and positive point of view,” Sandeen said. “A leader needs to portray realism, with hope for the future.”

She encouraged participation in Leadership Waupaca County, a nine-month leadership development class which begins Sept. 10.

Beckendorf announced that LWC has launched a new website at fyi.uwex.edu/leadershipwaupacaco. The website includes Leadership Waupaca County information, a brochure and an application.

The cost to participate is $375, which includes meals, class materials and an overnight trip to Madison. Scholarships are available.

Applications for LWC are accepted through July 31. An early bird $25 discount is offered for any application received by July 15.

For more information, call Beckendorf at 715-258-6230 or email [email protected].

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