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Today’s government for special interest, not people

A CBS/New York Times poll shows only 11 percent of Americans trust government to do the right thing. And 74 percent say the country is on the wrong track.

Americans are realizing government has grown so big it is going out of control. We no longer have a government by and for the people. We have a government that looks first to take care of and perpetuate itself and the special interests groups that give it power. That includes Wall Street and unions.

No matter who is in the White House, a man from Goldman-Sachs will be in charge of the money, looking out for his pals on Wall Street. We saw health-care laws passed by one party against the wishes of most Americans. Our government borrows money from China and turns around and gives foreign aid money back to China. We spend 10 years in Iraq losing blood and treasure just to walk away and give it to Iran. Our government has become insane and harmful.

Our government now has a policy of lying to us. If citizens request information the government doesn’t want us to see, it will now tell us the documents do not exist. The government tells us unemployment is 9.1 percent when it’s twice that high. Government tells us inflation is running just a couple of percent when it’s really over 8 percent. Can’t audit the Fed.

While we head to a financial cliff, government workers feed each other $16 muffins and $8 coffee (on us).

What do we do with our out-of-control government? Do we feed it more and watch it grown? Or do we try to cut it back down to size before it consumes us all? Time is running out.

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