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Teachers’ unions cost taxpayers

With Gov. Scott Walker’s reform, many school districts were freed from the obligation to buy only the teachers’ unions approved/affiliated health insurance.

The 25 school school boards taking advantage of this new freedom to choose health insurance saved an average of $200 per student.

This is just one example of how teachers’ unions cost taxpayers money with no benefit to students.

Many people don’t realize the constant coercive pressure unions put on taxpayer representatives to agree to scams such as buying only the “union-approved” health insurance.

The unions come to collective bargaining with demands for more of this, more of that. If demands were not met, the threat of dragging the school district into arbitration was always used.

I’ve seen some of the “arbitrators” the state provides. They looked like ivory tower types from Madison who had never paid a property tax bill in their short lives.

School boards are naturally reluctant to place the fate of the taxpayers in arbitrators’ hands, so over time, are coerced into all kinds of things that work against taxpayers and against students.

Do we want to return to a system where the the state teachers’ union can have a monopoly on teachers’ health insurance?

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