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Removing door locks is removal of privacy

It is the opinion of myself and others that serious rights of members are being disregarded, and the door locks issue is another right to be ignored, if this removal of door locks is done.

Specifically – “You have the right to privacy during care and treatment.”

Removal of the door locks is the removal of the last vestige of our privacy, leaving us unprotected against unwanted entry, removal of property and whatever unimaginable acts.

Already there are frequent reports of unwanted entries by persons with mental defects. It’s bad enough when staff members have keys and things disappear; now we have no protection and/or privacy.

Secondly, may I direct your attention to the letter from the commandant; first paragraph, comment “industry standard” is in regard to a notice to “nursing homes.”

The industry standard was directed to a communication to nursing homes, not to our type of institution.

Also, in the first paragraph, the phrase “skilled nursing homes” is inappropriate as the license displayed in the offices of the commandant states, “skilled nursing facility.”

This topic has been addressed several times previously.

Criteria for a nursing home are not met here at the Wisconsin Veterans Home.

We are, therefore, licensed as a “skilled nursing facility.”

A nursing home, for example, must have a nurse for each eight patients; we have one for one or two hundred at a time.

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