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Real Romney seen in last week’s debate

I wrote an unsent letter last week about my concern over the fact that the mainstream media does not report the clear and honest facts on conservative vs. liberal points of view.

I feared that the general public isn’t experiencing objective reporting , resulting in skewed opinions about the GOP.

I didn’t send my letter because I felt it too biased on the conservative side.

Alas, my concerns were for naught.

Mr. Mitt Romney, in his first debate with President Obama, revealed his sound knowledge and abilities in his resounding victory in this debate.

But specifically, my worries over the fact that people have not been hearing the good things about conservatism, and the real Romney, have now been put to rest through his fine performance on Oct. 3.

I venture to say that virtually millions of Americans, for the first time, realized what the genuine Romney is all about after watching that debate.

After Mr. Romney’s performance, there was no reason to have written my unsent letter in the first place.

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