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Fluoride in city water not pharmaceutical grade

Several months ago, as a city official, I was asked to investigate water fluoridation in Waupaca.

Previous to my investigation I assumed that the fluoride in our water was the same as the pharmaceutical grade fluoride in toothpaste, mouthwashes and fluoride rinses.

However, I was surprised to learn that it is not.

The “fluoride” being added to our drinking water in Waupaca is actually a chemical known as “Hydrofluosilicic Acid”.

It is a waste byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry.

Yes, Hydrofluosilicic Acid contains some fluoride.

But it also contains lead, arsenic and mercury.

Hydrofluosilicic Acid is used in the production of insecticide and rat poison.

If Hydrofluosilicic Acid was not sold to cities like Waupaca or some other entity, it would have to be disposed of as toxic waste by the phosphate fertilizer industry, at great expense.

A major point that proponents make in support of artificial water fluoridation is that “fluoride exists naturally in virtually all water supplies.” This may be true.

But what they don’t tell you is that the fluoride occurring naturally in water is actually “calcium fluoride” which is 85 times less toxic than Hydrofluosilicic Acid.

The proponents of water fluoridation will tell you that the low concentration level of Hydrofluosilicic Acid in our water makes it safe.

But is it wise to add any amount of this very toxic substance to our drinking water?

With the wide availability of products containing pharmaceutical grade fluoride, I don’t think it is.

Why do you think 258 municipalities have rejected water fluoridation in the last 12 years?

It is because the populations and/or elected officials of those jurisdictions became aware of what was being or would be used to artificially fluoridate their water and the serious health risks involved with ingesting Hydrofluosilicic Acid.

If you would like to investigate this issue yourself, I invite you to check out this website: www.fluoridation.com.

Also, please view this online video: www.fluoridealert.org/fan-tv/prof-perspectives/.

It contains a lot of good information from actual “experts,” including a Nobel Prize winner.

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