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Americans held hostage by oil companies

The price of gasoline has begun to rise again. The average price at the pump, nation wide is about $3.67. The question is why?  

Back in the 1970s, the oil companies declared that the world is running out of oil. Everyone headed to the local gas station and filled their cars, some hoarded gas in barrels.

Naturally the oil companies raised the price of gas. They then doubled the price and soon tripled it. That was 40 years ago and miraculously we have more oil now than we ever had before.

Over the years, the price has risen to its present level and the demand in the U.S. has dropped. Sounds like economics working in reverse. Less demand for an over-produced product means they have to increase the price?

Of course the oil companies created the illusion of a shortage by shipping American oil out of our country. It seems the United States has become an exporter of black gold.

The oil companies knew of the existence of the large oil deposits in the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming. along with the tar sands crude in Canada. They were simply looking for a way to get at it.

While American taxpayers continue to subsidize the oil industry with billions for research and development, these same companies are realizing huge profits at the motorist’s expense.

It seems American citizens are being held hostage by the oil companies and forced to pay exorbitant prices for a product that is not only overpriced but harmful to the environment. These same oil companies are using their profits to fund propaganda denying climate change, even as the vast majority of scientists, and anyone else who pays attention, recognize the inevitable damage to our health and our land.

Republican legislators in Washington have resisted funding research and implementation of wind and solar power because they serve oil and coal interests. This has slowed the drive to find cleaner sources of energy and now it will take more years to make a change.

However, some progress is being made. Good old Harley Davidson has produced an electrical powered motorcycle. No doubt better wind generators can be designed and more homes and businesses are installing solar panels.

Let’s keep the politicians who oppose cleaner energy out of office and let common sense be the best course.

Erling Landsverk

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