Home » Courts » Woman charged with felony OWI

Woman charged with felony OWI

Elizabeth M. Hidalgo, 31, Hortonville, was charged in Waupaca County with a fourth drunken driving offense and operating after revocation.

Shortly after 2:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 27, a woman called 911 and reported seeing Hidalgo jump the curb as she drove into the Festival Foods parking lot.

New London Police Officer Todd Sarazin responded to the complaint. He reported that when Hidalgo exited the car, he noticed that her pants were wet and she smelled like urine.

Hidalgo had a 0.2 blood-alcohol level at the time of her arrest, the complaint says.

She was previously convicted of drunken driving offenses in March 2005, October 2005 and on Dec. 11, 2014, when her license was revoked for 30 months and she was sentenced to 25 days in jail.

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