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No reason for schools to lose their identities

I read with the concern about a proposal to change all school mascots to “Comets.”

The basic idea as I understood it was to give the students and everyone a greater sense of community.

It seems to me the opposite effect may come about.

Young people growing up in this scenario may come to feel that anyone who is not a “Comet” is not someone they wish to be associated with.

A believe America was meant to bring to together and tolerate differences in ideas, backgrounds and even team mascots.

I think the only team we should be together on is as one country.

Even our dreams were never meant to be exactly the same.

How quickly boastful conversations might end if we couldn’t get past the fact we all played for the Comets.

A certain pride in community does arise from saying your team called “fill-in-the-blank” was the one we were proud to be a part of.

I myself see no reason to lose a school’s identity in favor of saving money or because one team name is easier to remember than several.

Simple is a good method in many areas of life, but I don’t think that is true in this case.

True to my schools and my mascots.

Jeff K. Shulfer
Stevens Point

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