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Stand against moral decline

Reader believes America faces God’s judgment

Ben Franklin said, “The important ends of civil government are the personal securities of life and liberty. I am a mortal enemy to arbitrary government and unlimited power … only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”

Last week, we saw the head doctor at Planned Parenthood eating lunch and drinking wine as she casually described dismembering babies to harvest organs for sale.

This is one example of how far we have sunk into depravity.

It’s time we stand against the moral decline around us.

Consider going to church and taking family or someone with you.

We face judgment if our country turns its back on the God who inspired the founding of our nation.

Many now say the United States were not founded on religion. That’s a lie.

All the colonies’ charters and constitutions talk about God and the Declaration of Independence says we get our rights from our creator.

Don’t fall for the propaganda the left and lamestream media puts out.

The U.S. Constitution does not mention separation of church and state. Look it up.

Greg Oerter

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