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Conservative rhetoric has absurd consequences

Reader asks, Who needs cops when you have conceal carry?

In one of his diatribes, Greg Oerter subjected us to the usual GOP fear mongering about government regulation, taxes and that dreaded “S” word, socialism.

So let’s take these absurd arguments against public services to their logical conclusions.

Police departments? Most people have never called upon the police for help. Since more citizens are now carrying guns, why do we even need police? With Stand Your Ground statutes, isn’t street justice good enough? For those who do call the police, they should pay a fee for services rendered.

Fire departments? Don’t you own fire extinguishers and water hoses? All the firemen will do is use water hoses and extinguishers. Virtually anybody can do the same and the rest of us shouldn’t have to pay taxes to put out fires at other people’s homes. And speaking of buildings, why do we need so many safety codes and regulations?

Highways? Why should we pay taxes for roads we never use. Just make them all toll roads.

Public schools? Why should we pay taxes for public schools when we no longer have children in school? If we can’t afford to provide Social Security for future generations, what makes you think we can afford public education for this generation? For-profit schools, with no educational standards, should be good enough – at least for those who are profiting from these schools.

Public libraries? What percent of people use public libraries? Just go out and buy your own books, and stop wasting taxpayers money.

U.S. military? Now this is something we should all support in order to maintain our dominance throughout the world. We shouldn’t be wasting our tax dollars on feeding the poor or providing universal health care when the military can build a gas station in Afghanistan for $43 million or purchase “patriotism” for $53 million in marketing contracts with sports teams.

George Lorenz

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