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Public schools serve common good

Taxpayers should not subsidize private schools

The concepts of public vs. private are very distinct.

Private sector entities have one goal: making a profit.

In government accounting, public enterprises are held accountable in their use of budget resources.

In private enterprises, it is not mandatory to comply with the budget or fiscal accountability.

Therefore, as a taxpayer, I do not wish to have my taxes given to private companies where I can no longer have input into how they are used.

I especially do not want any of my taxes given to private schools, private charter schools, online schools, home schools or any other private school of choice that takes money away from our local public schools which are struggling to make ends meet.

Public schools are operated locally with a locally elected school board.

Public schools are for the good of everyone; private schools are for the good of a few and should be paid for by those who choose not to attend the local schools.

Do you want your tax dollars being spent for private education?

Imagine your community without a public school and hopefully you will quit voting for GOP candidates at the local, county, state and federal level who support choice and privatization of schools, prisons, Social Security, etc.

None of these should exist for the purpose of making a profit for a private company.

“It is easier to build a child than it is to repair an adult.”

Barb Kobs

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