Thursday, February 6, 2025

One Lion makes a difference

Helen Keller said, ""I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something." Lion Ralph Bostwick, an Iola Lion, personifies that ideal.

Three years ago Bostwick approached the Iola Lions Club about giving to the Lions Pride Endowment Fund; his Club agreed and made their donation. However, he wanted to "make more of an impact," specifically to help ensure the future of Lions Camp for future generations.

Not to be dissuaded, Bostwick went home and made signs that said, "Cans for Lions Camp, call Lion Ralph for pickup" and hung them up around town. Though a few people called him, things weren't moving fast enough so Bostwick spoke to some area businesses about collecting their aluminum cans and putting up collection bins on their premises. Their commitments got the project up and running.

Today the Iola Lions Cans for Camp collects aluminum cans from three businesses, four drop-off collection bins and gathers the cans from the Iola Vintage Military Show and the Scandinavia Corn Roast in Scandinavia each year. Bostwick has chosen to commit himself to this endeavor, but he is quick to point out, "When I need help from one of my club members they are always there."

After just three years Bostwick is "doing something" has brought in almost $5,400 to the Lions Pride Endowment Fund. Bostwick chose Lions Pride because he knows the money he raises through his aluminum can recycling project will live on in perpetuity. The interest and earnings from the funds help ensure future generations of campers will experience his beloved Wisconsin Lions Camp.

Bostwick wants other clubs - Lions, Lioness and Leos - to know this project can be easily replicated. Just a small committee of three to four members could make this work with just a few hours of commitment a month. If you would like more information on how to get things started, contact Bostwick directly at or the Lions Pride Office at 715-677-7000 or at


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